[Vulnerability Report] Non-persistent XSS at Microsoft

 I had found a reflected XSS issue Microsoft, below is the report.

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Vulnerability Type: Non Persistent XSS
Abstract: The affected url is vulnerable to Non-persistent XSS due to which an attacker is able to take over Microsoft account of logged in user.
Affected Url: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/search/?q=<script>;prompt()<script>
Payload: <script>;prompt()</script>
Vulnerability Impact Senario: With Non Persistent Cross Site Scripting(XSS) an attacker can create custom URL with cookie stealing code on visiting which a user's cookie can be stolen and his account can be hijacked.
Vulnerability Reproduction Steps(POC):

1. Visit the URL "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/search/?q="
2. With the parameter "q=" we can inject our payload.

Brief description of the issue:
This vulnerability is caused due to validation present only on the Search textbox present on the webpage. And no validation is present if we provide the same malicious HTML payload directly through the URL.

Proof of Concept:

Hall Of Fame:

Amit Sangra

Author & Editor

Amit is a Security Engineer acknowledged by Google, Apple, Microsoft, eBay, Intel and other top companies for reporting security issues in their web services.


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